WINNER’s Lee Seung Hoon And Kim Jin Woo Speak Out Against Social Media Hacking

On October 26, WINNER’s Lee Seung Hoon and Kim Jin Woo revealed during a V Live session that Kim Jin Woo’s social media had been hacked.
Recently there were rumors that Kim Jin Woo had commented on a female non-celebrity’s Instagram, saying, “Have a great shoot, have a good day,” and “Thank you.” There was a lot of confusion as Kim Jin Woo had commented with his own account and the two appeared to not have mutual friends.
Lee Seung Hoon and Kim Jin Woo explained further about the situation during the V Live session. According to Lee Seung Hoon, Kim Jin Woo’s Instagram account was hacked by a netizen and the hacker had commented on the woman’s posts. He stated, “Hacking in and of itself is not right. Because of this, Kim Jin Woo dealt with a lot of psychological stress.” Kim Jin Woo confessed, “I was really shocked.”
Lee Seung Hoon, who also has been a victim of hacking before, further stated, “His social media account got hacked, and someone he’s never met had their posts commented on. Imagine how shocked she must have been.” He continued and warned, “I understand your curiosity. But please don’t do this anymore. We may see you at the police station.”
Lee Seung Hoon also commented, “It’s very frustrating. Because of what we do, there’s a lot of things that we have to deal with and we can’t explain, and therefore reveal, it to the public or to our fans, less it cause further misunderstandings. So, we live with a lot of stress.” He revealed that Kim Ji Woo had brushed off the situation by just saying it was okay and told fans not to misunderstand.
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